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How can we help?

The Peaceful Pill Foundation helps in two ways.

  1. We provide a website blog featuring open Question & Answer on all aspects of assisted dying in Switzerland.

    Visitors to this website are invited to ask questions of any/ all aspects of assisted suicide in Switzerland. These questions are answered daily by the staff of the Foundation.

  2. The Foundation provides a ‘telephone hotline’ (TH) and ‘personalised email response service’ (PERS) for more detailed information about assisted suicide in Switzerland.

Who can get assistance?

Anyone interested in going to Switzerland for a VAD may contact the foundation for free assistance and guidance. It is strongly advised that the person has read the ‘Swiss Options’ chapter within The Peaceful Pill eHandbook.

The Peaceful Pill eHandbook is authored by Drs Fiona Stewart & Philip Nitschke.

The Peaceful Pill eHandbook is available in both online and print formats at www.peacefulpillhandbook.com

A special-format print edition is also available at Amazon in one’s chosen country.